It's official, Baby Kirkman is a boy and there was no mistaking it! We are so excited and I am sure you guys know how happy this made his daddy. We had our ultrasound yesterday and everything looks great; the doctor was very pleased. He currently weighs 1.4 lbs. Now it's time for the fun to start, names, clothes, toys, and decorating the nursery. Our little MVP is going to be spoiled rotten. I made a deal with the devil (lol-Danny) that he had the final say on a name if it was a boy; I would have final say if it was a girl. He, ofcourse, is holding me to it. However, I think he may give in a little by letting me suggest some names. I used the "I'm the one carrying him and I am his mother" line. I think it worked. :) Note to future mothers, do not make this deal. Will keep you updated on the name status and any suggestions will be taken into consideration by the board (aka Danny).