Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Heartbeat

Back to the doctor today. This was the longest visit but very exciting. We went through the family history and discussed all of our questions. We even talked about the delivery. Danny was reassured that my exhaustion is normal. :) We were able to hear Baby Kirkman's heartbeat for the first time. It was amazing. Hearing the heartbeat really made this whole process a reality. Everything sounded great to the doctor (sounded like a galloping horse to me) and he reassured us that I am fine, the baby is fine, and we are good to just set ourselves on cruise control. My next visit is August 20th. Stay tuned.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Belly Laughs and Maternity Clothes

Just finished my first book about pregnancy, "Belly Laughs". I would recommend this to anyone, especially those of us that are worrying about everything. I found myself laughing out loud and quoting Jenny McCarthy to anyone who would listen. I know now that what I am experiencing is really normal, no matter what Danny says. :) Just kidding. He is being super supportive but still doesn't get the "I need pizza" request at midnight or the "I am freaking exhausted and need a nap" comments. But I love him and he is trying. He is even reading his own book, "What to expect when she's expecting".

Just got back from Houston. I don't recommend pregnancy nausea + weather of 110 degrees. It did not work for me. I am slowly recuperating from that journey. I am just glad that I wasn't there 7 months pregnant. I really would have been miserable.

I made my first maternity clothing purchase. It was interesting. I am in love with cute jeans that I can wear with a belly and I can pull up to my armpits. Anyone who really knows me, knows that I am serious. Super excited about the new comfortable clothes.

Next week we have our second doctor's appointment where we get to hear the baby's heartbeat. We are pumped. Every week I get these e-mails that tell me what my baby looks like this week. It is interesting that last week they described baby Kirkman as being the size of a kumquat. Supposedly baby Kirkman is growing hair, nails and moving his/her limbs now. I really can't wait to feel a kick.

All for now, check back next week to hear about the big Doctor's appointment.